Thursday, October 22, 2009

Where ARE the Wild Things?

So my evening plans changed for tonight and I was able to take my kids to see the new movie, "Where the Wild Things Are". I was excited to take them, as we have the book (still packed somewhere) and both children enjoyed reading it many, many times when they were I have to say that since I saw the preview several months ago, I have been looking forward to seeing this movie.

First of all, the the child actor that they found to play Max was fantastic. Those eyes...oh lord - those eyes are incredible. He can portray a whole realm of emotion with them without using any words. The character is so playful and yet angry so much is just simmering inside him. His mother is played by the wonderfully talented and yet so underrated Catherine Keener. She, really, plays the best Mom. A working, single mom with two kids who is trying to keep it all together and have a life and a family. I really enjoyed the portions with Max and his mom. Even though sometimes they made me cry and would remind me of my own "wild thing" at home - now whom is 14 years old - I found the entire family situation very touching.

When Max has a big fight with his mother, he ends up running away to the land where 'the wild things are' and finds Wild Things. These creatures are absolutely incredible. The likeness to the book illustrations are fantastic and the voices that have been provided, Catherine O'Hara, James Gandolfini and Chris Cooper to name only a few are perfect in their roles. They bring life and words to the pictures that I have enjoyed for years. Max ends up staying with them and becomes their king. He claims to have special powers that will keep them happy. They laugh and run together while discovering all the exciting things that his imagination will allow. What he doesn't expect is that all people (or creatures) come with their own personal backgrounds or baggage - which is a term that I have been using quite frequently. Max, is a child of course, and discovers that life is not as he hoped and things are more difficult than originally imagined. When too much conflict arises, Max returns home.

The reunion between mother and son was very sweet. It was one of the many times that this movie brought me to tears - not overwhelming Schindler's List tears like my heart was being pulled out of my tush, but sweet, tender and familiar tears of one family trying desperately to stay together and be loving and safe with each other.

After the film as we were walking back to the car, I asked my kids what they thought of the movie. "It was ok, yeah it was good, I guess". Hmm, maybe one needs to be a parent to be able to see the bigger picture when it comes to these types of movies. You know the type, movies that come from the heart and yet instead of disappearing they leave a lovely impression there. Hmm, or maybe I am just one big mush ball who crys at anything...go see the film and let me know.

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