Sunday, January 2, 2011

Other Love and some Drugs

There's been much hype surrounding this film...the charismatic peddler of Viagra and the lady that steals his heart. It's right up my know that. I'm a mushball for stories like this.
I was very excited to see this movie, first I really adore Anne Hathaway - for me, she can do no wrong. She's incessantly multi-talented plus she actually seems like a very nice person. Jake Gyllenhaal is also another actor whom I've enjoyed seeing on the big screen in recent wasn't always a love affair with Mr. Gyllenhaal, but you could say that he's grown on me and my appreciation of him was solidified while watching this.
The basic premise of the film, is what happens when a charming drug salesman meets his match and has to come to terms with his own sense of self, wealth, well being and love. The movie flows nicely and the balance of witty remarks and emotional triggers worked well for me. It worked even better for my husband - whom I also have to say enjoyed this movie and had some sniffly moments as well. It's a fast paced, sexually charged movie with lots of good characters, decent script and fantastic actors. I'm pleased that the movie is already shooting into awards season - who knows how it will do, but I'm glad that it's being acknowledged regardless.
I was incredibly impressed with the range of emotion displayed by both Ms. Hathaway and Mr. Gyllenhaal. They have an unprecedented chemistry - very similar to Bogart/Bacall, a connection/respect/admiration for each other as actors and people. I was very impressed with both of them. They have an ease about them and a grace with their words and actions. It seemed completely effortless, as if they had been together for decades and knew every little thing about each other. They made the film for me. That's what it was all about....the actors.
This was an actor's movie. It showcased their talents for comedy and drama even in the most simplistic and complex situations. I was pretty much sold on this film during the preview, months and months ago, but the film cemented my vision of how Hollywood is changing and how their leading men and women are adapting to the challenges. It was nice seeing a man be vulnerable and yet not wimpy. A woman be strong and yet not bitchy. Interesting...I'll have to take some lessons.